14 May


Are you looking for an all-in-one solution for successful hiring? Look no further than GoHire, the online hiring software to streamline your recruitment processes and attract top talent. With features like multi-site job postings, applicant tracking, interview scheduling, and powerful employer branding tools, GoHire is the perfect choice for any business looking for a comprehensive hiring solution.

GoHire offers users the ability to post customized job listings across multiple sites, allowing them to easily manage and update their postings in order to attract more qualified job seekers. It also comes with a powerful Applicant Tracking System, which automatically tracks and stores important candidate data, helping businesses create efficient and organized hiring processes. With the help of GoHire’s interview scheduling software, users can automatically schedule and track interview times and locations, send automated reminder emails to both the hiring team and applicants, and manage their interviews without having to do any manual work.

GoHire: The All-In-One Solution For Hiring Success

GoHire also provides powerful employer branding tools that allow businesses to create a unique and consistent employer brand. Utilizing these tools, companies can create engaging content to boost their recognition and awareness. With GoHire, businesses can also take advantage of the automated resume parsing feature, which quickly and accurately parses resumes and extracts important data from them.

The benefits of using GoHire are numerous. Not only does it improve the quality of hires, but it also enhances the recruitment process and helps businesses save time and money. Furthermore, GoHire’s user-friendly interface and intuitive design makes it easy to use and navigate, even for those without any prior experience.

GoHire is the ultimate all-in-one solution for successful hiring. With its comprehensive features and cutting edge technology, businesses can easily streamline their recruitment processes and attract top talent. With GoHire, businesses can take their hiring processes to the next level.

Multi-Site Job Posting

GoHire offers an easy-to-use platform for job postings on multiple sites. This feature allows employers to customize job descriptions, post to the most appropriate sites, and easily update postings as needed. Job postings are visible on the employer’s website, as well as on the multiple job boards and career websites. This helps to attract more qualified job seekers and ensures that the right people are seeing the job opportunities.

The intuitive user interface of GoHire makes it easy to manage job postings to multiple sites. The employer can easily post to multiple sites without worrying about formatting or optimization. They can also update postings as needed, ensuring that the most accurate and up-to-date information is available to potential applicants. This makes it easy to stay on top of job postings and ensure the best candidates are attracted to the opportunities.

GoHire also helps to maximize the reach of job postings by offering targeted campaign options. Employers can accurately target job seekers based on specified criteria, such as job type, location, and experience level. This ensures that the job postings are reaching the most qualified potential applicants, increasing the quality of the applicants and reducing the time spent on recruitment.

GoHire also offers detailed analytics about the performance of job postings. Employers can access data about the number of views, applications, and clicks for each job posting. This helps employers understand which job postings are most successful and adjust their strategy accordingly.

Overall, GoHire’s multi-site job posting feature makes it easy to post jobs on multiple sites, manage postings, target campaigns, and track performance. It is an effective solution for creating successful job postings and attracting the best talent to job opportunities.

Applicant Tracking

GoHire’s applicant tracking system is a powerful tool for streamlining and managing your recruitment processes. It makes it easy to track and store applicant profiles, monitor each step of the recruitment process, and create efficient hiring processes.

This system allows you to quickly and easily store and reference all of the applicant profiles in one convenient place. All information is stored in an easy-to-read format, allowing you to quickly review and compare applicant profiles. With GoHire’s applicant tracking system, there’s no more manual data entry or paperwork to manage.

GoHire’s applicant tracking system allows you to monitor each step of the recruitment process. You can easily view the progress of each applicant, from their initial application to their interviews and final decision. This allows you to keep track of who is in the running for the job and who has been eliminated from the selection process.

The applicant tracking system also allows you to create efficient hiring processes for your organization. You can set up custom processes for each position, including specific job requirements and interview questions. This helps to ensure that all applicants are given the same opportunities and that all steps are taken to select the best candidate for the position.

Finally, GoHire’s applicant tracking system allows you to easily store and reference applicant feedback. This makes it easy to track and review the results of interviews and other screening processes. This feedback can be used to inform future recruitment decisions and ensure that the best candidate is chosen each time.

GoHire’s applicant tracking system is the perfect tool for streamlining and managing your recruitment processes. It allows you to quickly and easily store and reference applicant profiles, monitor each step of the recruitment process, and create efficient hiring processes. This system provides the perfect all-in-one solution for successful hiring.

Interview Scheduling

GoHire's interview scheduling tools streamline and simplify the process of organizing and managing job interviews. This powerful software allows you to quickly and easily schedule and track interview times, locations, and reminders for both hiring team and applicants.

GoHire's automated interview scheduling system eliminates the need for manual work when it comes to setting up job interviews. All you have to do is enter the details, such as the interviewer, job title, the number of required slots and the interview duration. From there, GoHire will generate all the necessary emails, reminders and notifications that you need, ensuring that both the applicant and the hiring team are aware of the details.

GoHire also allows you to book interviews with ease. With its advanced calendar system, you can choose a date and time for the interview that works for everyone. You can also select the interview location with just a few clicks.

Furthermore, GoHire allows you to customize the emails sent to the applicant and the hiring team. You can include a personalized message in the emails, as well as a link to the interview details page. This page will provide all the necessary information about the job and the interview, such as the job description, required qualifications, and the expected salary.

GoHire also offers an impressive array of features for managing the interview process. You can track the status of each interview, from scheduling to completion. You can also quickly and easily view the available slots for the interviews, as well as the applicants who have already been invited.

Finally, GoHire allows you to create automated reminders for both the hiring team and the applicants. You can set the reminders to be sent out before, during and after the job interview. These automated reminders ensure that everyone is on the same page, and that everyone involved remembers to attend the interview on time.

GoHire's interview scheduling tools make it easier and faster than ever to organize and manage job interviews. With its automated scheduling system, customizable emails and powerful features, GoHire is the all-in-one solution for streamlining the interview process and attracting top talent.

Employer Branding Tools

The success of any business depends on the quality of its employees which is why employers need to create a strong employer brand. GoHire offers powerful branding tools that can help employers create a unique and consistent employer brand.

GoHire’s branding tools are designed to help employers create engaging content that speaks to their target audience. Employers can create custom job postings, videos, photos, and other content to showcase their company culture and values. This content can then be used to promote the company and attract more qualified job seekers.

GoHire also offers employers the ability to customize their employer profile page. This page includes photos, videos, and other content to give potential employees an insight into the company and its culture. This page can be customized to be as unique as the employer wants and is a great way to grab the attention of high-quality job seekers.

GoHire provides employers with the tools to boost their online presence and reach a larger audience. With the help of GoHire’s employer branding tools, employers can post their content not only on their website, but on various other job boards, social media sites, and search engines as well. This will help employers increase their visibility and improve their chances of finding the right talent.

GoHire also offers employers the ability to track their brand recognition with the help of analytics. Employers can easily monitor the progress of their employer branding campaigns and track how well their content performs. This data can then be used to make improvements and optimize the employer branding strategy.

Employer branding is an essential part of the recruitment process and GoHire offers employers the tools they need to create a successful employer brand. With the help of GoHire’s powerful employer branding tools, employers can create content that speaks to their target audience, customize their employer profile page, increase their visibility, and track their brand recognition. These tools will help employers attract and retain the best talent and ensure hiring success.


GoHire makes it easier than ever to find and hire the best talent available. Utilizing this all-in-one hiring software helps improve the quality of your hires, making it easier to build a successful and effective team.

First, GoHire's multi-site job posting system allows you to post custom jobs on multiple sites, helping you to attract the most qualified job seekers. This allows you to easily manage and update postings, enabling you to keep your opportunities up to date and reach a wider audience.

Second, the applicant tracking system simplifies the recruitment process. GoHire automatically tracks and stores all applicant information, making it easier to review CVs, track progress, and evaluate potential candidates. It also helps you create more efficient hiring processes, as you can easily monitor each step of the process and ensure that no important details are overlooked.

Third, GoHire’s interview scheduling software automates the process of scheduling interviews, saving you time and hassle. You can easily send automated emails to remind both hiring team and applicants of upcoming interviews, and manage them without any manual work.

Fourth, GoHire's employer branding tools enable you to create a unique and consistent employer brand. With the help of GoHire, you can easily create engaging content, boosting both recognition and awareness of your company.

Finally, GoHire provides significant time and money savings. With its efficient recruitment process, automated features, and employer branding tools, you can quickly and efficiently find the right candidate and save both time and money.

Overall, GoHire is a powerful and effective all-in-one solution for successful hiring, helping you improve the quality of your hires and enhance your recruitment process. With its multi-site job posting system, applicant tracking system, interview scheduling software, and employer branding tools, GoHire can help you save time and money, and ensure that you find the best talent for your team.


GoHire is the ultimate all-in-one solution for successful hiring. This revolutionary online hiring software provides powerful tools to streamline the hiring process and attract top talent. The multi-site job posting feature allows employers to create custom job postings on multiple sites and easily update and manage them. The applicant tracking system stores applicant information, simplifies recruitment processes, and makes it easy to monitor each step. Interview scheduling software allows for automated scheduling and tracking of interview times and locations, as well as automated emails to remind both the hiring team and applicants. Employer branding tools can be used to create unique and consistent employer branding, utilize GoHire’s tools for creating engaging content, and boost recognition and awareness of the company.

The benefits of using GoHire are clear: higher quality hires, improved recruitment process efficiency, and time and money saved. GoHire offers an all-in-one solution for successful hiring, saving employers time and money while providing the best tools available to hire the right people. Streamlining the recruitment process and creating an efficient hiring system can make a world of difference in the success of any company. GoHire is the perfect tool to get the job done. 

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